Welcome to:
Handmade goodies
(made by Lily Idle’s hands)
Welcome to Idle Handmade. Here, various fiber arts intertwine with the eccentric & the quirky. Here, sophistication dances with whimsy and both extend you an arm. Here lie the wide array of things I make with my Idle hands.

Check Out the Idle Handmade Redbubble Store!
Print on Demand Designs!
Shirts • Tote Bags • Stickers • Mousepads • Laptop Cases • Blankets •
Shirts • Tote Bags • Stickers • Mousepads • Laptop Cases • Blankets •
Many of the pieces you’ll find in the Idle Handmade inventory are inspired by the kaleidoscope of mental health experiences and disorders I’ve navigated and continue to navigate on a daily basis (namely Bipolar 1 Disorder, ADHD, & Generalized Anxiety Disorder). I imbibe each piece I create with a uniqueness inspired by not only mental health but also fantasy, pop culture, and the delightful simplicity of everyday objects.
For more information about the available mediums & me, your maker, please check out this super cool “About” page:
Idle Handmade is the tangible manifestation of my inability to limit my art to one or two (or even three or four) mediums. I love crossing genres. I’m always up for trying something new or doing something familiar in a novel way.
If you have an idea, perhaps even an idea you’re not sure will pan out, please reach out! I’m very determined so I’m sure we can find a way to bring it to life!
I don’t believe in a rigid barrier between “Arts” & “Crafts.” With Idle Handmade, I aim to blend the artistic and the artisanal, letting the so-called hard lines between art and craft blur. Sewing and embroidery – my primary mediums – aren’t just crafts, they’re arts. Furthermore, they’re avenues of expression. Bags are just sculptures you can carry your stuff in. Embroidery is just less messy painting you can put in your sculpture satchel & take with you on the go.
At Idle Handmade, you’ll find no lofty ideals, no flaunting of my fine art degree. You’ll simply find objects that put the “fun” in “functional!”